I love love loveeeeeee slow songs! They're so awesome. i have a song choice of an old lady's. How sad is thatt? But anyway. Still awesome :P so right now my current awesome slow singer is Jack Johnson. I think he's british XD oh i shall attempt putting his picture here [: darn. still on top of the text. Gah. anyways. that's him!!he's not handsome or anything but his songs very funny lah. Oh yeah! today we (edmund and I) had piano class and then my teacher suddenly screamed cause there was a cockroach. So funny wei. Lizardsss are WAYYY ickier!!!! It once ran across my foot before. SOOO disgusting. oh and it dropped on my head before. EW RIGHHTTT? *makes pukey face* oh. speaking of things dropping on my head. Bird poop. DOUBLE DISGUSTINGG. It's like all black and white. Few years ago at langkawi i was walking around and then suddenly something dropped on my head. I stood still, touched my head saw what it was, and started screaming for my mum and crying cause people were staring at me. Embarassinggg. lol. oh oh! speaking of embarassing moments (i've got lots to speak about :P) i once hugged my aunty's dad thinking it was my grandpa. i was like, "eh how come he's so thin dy wan?" and i looked up and ran to my mum and pretended nothing happened and started bullying edmund. HAHAHAHA !! lol i'm a weird kid aren't i? haha oh gotta go! tataaaaaaaa~~